perm filename RAND[RLL,DBL] blob sn#668003 filedate 1982-07-21 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂24-Mar-82  1323	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: What's the buzz?     
C00004 00003	∂TO rhayes-roth@sri-kl 14:54 31-May-82
C00015 00004	∂TO %rand-ai dave, henry 18:45 7-Jul-82
C00024 ENDMK
∂24-Mar-82  1323	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: What's the buzz?     
In-Reply-To: Your message of 26-Dec-81 2354-PST

Russ -

Now it can be told.  I am leaving Rand shortly -- a move whose
motivations have been brewing for a long time.  Believe it or
not, back to the days of our last exchange re a meeting.  For
this reason, I have been reluctant to start up new contacts,
initiatives, people,.... since I expect that the overall situation
here may be rather different.  On the other hand, it took forever
to get the issues clarified etc.  Hence the long period of
non-commitment, non-activity, etc.  Sorry you got caught in it.

My understanding is that the planning project is either dead or
in a coma, but I should let others speak for such things now.
If you are still interested, I would suggest you contact Tony
Hearn (hearn@rand-ai), who has succeeded me as research program

I would hope that our paths may cross under far more favorable
circumstances one day.  I would, among other things, like to hear
what the state of RLL is now, and what your plans are for future
work in that area.


∂TO rhayes-roth@sri-kl 14:54 31-May-82
Space; and this and that
Rick -
	Would you mind if I use some of your Rand-Ai space; for miscellaneous
activities?  (Basically to exploit the fantastic load average available
there.)  You still have several thousand pages unused there.
(If so, I'll ask Keith to get me access to your account.
He has, by the way, already approved my continued use of Rand-Ai.)
	Speaking of Keith, did you know that he was leaving Rand,
effective about mid-June?
When last we spoke he was looking for residence here in the Palo Alto area;
and mulling over various employment opportunities.
	How is TeKnowledge?  Are you still spending your time administrating?
I was interested to learn that Lee Erman was coming aboard -- any one else
in the offing?
	Finally, I'd really like to get together with you some time 
-- as I'm curious both to see what you are doing now,
and to get your opinion of my thesis ideas.
When would be a good time for you?

PS Did you realize there is a Rick@SRI-KL account, which is tagged for you?

∂01-Jun-82  0937	RHAYES-ROTH at SRI-KL 	Re: Space; and this and that    
To: RDG at SU-AI
In-Reply-To: Your message of 31-May-82 1454-PDT

Russ:  Why would I care if you use Rand-ai?  They don't let me use it.
Yes, I knew about Keith coming north.  They're following my lead! (hah)
Teknowledge is thrilling--in all honesty.  The great challenge is to
figure out what it takes to industrial knowledge systems.  It's not
obvious.  Why don't you set an apptmt up with Liz estrada for next
week, I'll be travelling this week.
   I'm excited about Lee too.  Soon he'll be followed by hoards of
knowledge engineers.  Any interest?
     When you visit next week, you should try to give me a terse,
deep 30 minute discussion of your current thesis, and I'll give
you 30 minutes of incoherent reactions!

The Rick at sri-kl account is an alias for rhayes-roth, i think.

Cheers, Rick

∂TO greep@dsn 15:25 1-Jun-82
Wheel Request
Steve -
	As I guess you heard, Keith is leaving Rand in the near future --
leaving me (next to) Wheel-less at Rand-Ai.  Could I borrow your services
for a moment?
	I wanted to move a version of MRS over there, and so need access to
additional space.  Rick Hayes-Roth gave me permission to use his account
for this purpose.
How hard is it be to transfer some of his quota from <RICK> to <GREINER>?
If that's difficult, can you find his password for me
(he forgot to send it in his latest message, and he just left on a long trip).
	Thanks for you help.  By the way, what are you up to these day?

∂01-Jun-82  1812	greep@SU-DSN (SuNet)  	Re: Wheel Request     

Sorry, I got de-wheeled since I wasn't doing any systems stuff on
that machine.  (Now, if it were the Vax...)

∂TO wescourt@rand-ai 13:27 2-June-82
Space, the final ...
	Is space still tight at Rand-Ai?  I'd like to move a copy
of MRS over there, and would prefer to place it in a different account.
Rick said he didn't care if I used his directory, but then left on a trip
before he could convey his password.
Could you find that for me; or better yet,
is it possible to transfer some of his quota from <RICK> to <GREINER>?

	By the way, how is your house hunting going?  and job-deciding?
and life in general?


∂02-Jun-82  2003	Keith Wescourt 	Re: Space, the final ...     
To: RDG at SU-AI

Yes, space is tight here.  What is MRS though, I haven't seen you mention
it before?  By the way, after I leave the policy concerning accessibility
by you and some other users may change, so be forewarned.

I've decided to join Perry Thorndyke at the new Knowledge Systems
branch of Perceptronics.  We'll be setting up an office in Palo
Alto or Menlo Park in July.

Misha, my wife, is up there now looking for a place for us to rent.
So far she hasn't found much in the areas where we want to live for
what we are willing to pay <= about $1000/mo.  We've got a bit more time to
be patient before we start considering less desirable locales.

Otherwise, I'm busy these days, finishing up at Rand and making plans.
Hope we can interact when I move up there.

Sorry about the disk space, but I think you'll have to get by with what you
for now.  By the way, Rick is in no position to grant access to his
accounts here.  I'm surprised they haven't been closed yet; my understanding
that whatever access he now has was solely to FTP his files elsewhere.


∂TO wescourt@rand-ai 13:54 3-June
This and that
	Congratulations on your decision, wrt job.  The house should
come -- there are many reasonable abodes for that amount, even in
Palo Alto.
(By the way, one of my current office mates, Bob Paige, will be leaving his
wilderness-located house in mid August.  It has three bedrooms, and rents for
$825/month.  For more information, contact CSL.JLH.PAIGE@SCORE.  I already
mentioned your interest.)

	WRT space: I can't say that I'm terribly surprised -- it just seemed a
shame for all of those (literally) thousands of pages to go unused on such
an unloaded machine, especially when I was getting squashed on the overloaded
SCORE machine.  Sigh.
(My question to Rick was just out of courtesy, of course.)

	To answer your inquiry about MRS: it's a sibling of RLL,
created by Mike Genesereth and friends.
Both systems grew from the common effort to produce a language
which could reason about, and modify, its underlying interpreter.
Our paths diverged a few years ago, when time pressure prompted Doug and me
to begin actual coding.  Mike (and company) continued probing various
important issues -- and so has produced (what I think is) a more solid
system.  As several groups, both at Stanford and elsewhere, are actively
using this language, it will continue to be supported -- unlike RLL.
For both of these reasons I see it to my advantage to write up RLL's few good
ideas in this more permanent system -- "guaranteeing immortality".
I'm now using it to code up my thesis work, transfering RLL-tidbits
as I go.

	(I know that Henry has expressed some interest in MRS -- perhaps
it will be worth his while to have it transported to Rand, and maintained.
By the way, do you know who your successor (as Rand-Ai system person) will be?)

	Let me know when you do arrive here; and good luck with everything
from house hunting to job initiating, ...


∂03-Jun-82  1646	Wescourt at RAND-AI


Thanks for the info re MRS.  I think I will want to look into it
and perhaps use it once I get settled up there.

Looks like my wife has found a place to rent up in Skylonda;
a bit expensive, but we can rent out part of it to a third person
I think.

Re the system management here:  Jim Guyton and Doris McClure will
have local responsibility, with me hanging on as a long-distance
consultant for special tasks/problems.


∂TO %rand-ai dave, henry 18:45 7-Jul-82
A new standard
Dave, Henry -

As I mentioned many moon(s) ago,
I intend to use MRS for my thesis work, not RLL.
My current debate is where to do this work:
on one of Stanford's machines, or on the less-loaded Rand-Ai.
So now the question:
    Would youse people like to have access to this marvelous research tool?
    This offer of course comes with a free maintanence/support contract ...

(Yes, I know I could simply sponge off Rand-Ai.  I would much prefer a more
symboitic arrangement, where I was earning my keep by providing a desired

Here's all you have to do to order...

Let me know if you would like me to install and maintain that system.
This would require about 500 pages for the source code, plus about 300
pages for a LISP SYSOUT.
In addition, I would want about 1000 pages for my personal diddles.
(Hence I could readily make due (?do?) with the storage I currently have.)

In case you're interested, there is also a MacLisp version of MRS,
for those of you fluent in that dialect.
Eventually (by the end of summer) all MRS's (these two and ones for FranzLisp,
UCILisp, etc.) will use the same source code.  If you'd like to play with
one of these other system before then, contact Mike Genesereth or Dave Smith.

By the way, how are you (two) these days?  what exciting is happening at
Rand? ... and LA in general?  Will you be at AAAI this August?  etc etc etc...


∂09-Jul-82  1203	Dave McArthur <DAVE at RAND-AI> 	Re: A new standard    


Sorry to be so slow in responding to your message.  The MRS trade sounds fine
to be except (i) I don't have the authority to sanction this.  I assume
Tony Hearn will have to ok it.  However I can (and will) put in my two cents
by saying that MRS would be fun to have.  (ii) We are planning the sell our
20 which means that MRS might be of limited usefulness to us and (more
importantly for you) that you wouldn't have out machine at your disposal
throughout the dissertation.

If your are still interested and Tony appears resistant, let me know and
I'll see what else I can do.  Ok?

Things are not too exciting at rand these days.  The loss of several people
has really hurt us.  Things may improve, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'll be giving a paper at AAAI, so maybe we can get together then.  I'd
be interested to know what you've been up to.


∂TO dave@rand-ai 11:50AM 12-Jul
All sorts of miscellany
Dave -

Thanks for your response.  Too bad about the 20 -- I suppose I should have
figured it was too good to last.  The offer to get MRS still stands, of course,
but I'll make no guarantees at maintanence(sp) of the Franz LISP version.

Yes, let's get together during AAAI.  I've got such a queue of
people to see there I wonder if it might be worth arriving a day early
to meet other early-arrivals and yak.  When do you plan to arrive there?

(By the way, I assume you weren't interested in venturing to
suave, sophisticated, (ex)siting San Francisco after the conference.
If you happen to find anyone with such plans, please point him at me.)

Looking forward to seeing you (and Tracy?) in August,

∂09-Jul-82  1208	Henry Sowizral <HENRY at RAND-AI> 	Re: A new standard  
To: RDG at SU-AI, dave at RAND-AI


  	Good to hear from you.  Yes, I'll be at the AAAI and I believe
that Dave will also.  Hope we can get together and talk.

        On to the major topic.  You should not rely on the DEC20 at
RAND-AI simply because we are in the process of selling it.  I'm not
sure of the time frame on the sale but I do know that it is a short
term (1-3 months) and not a long term plan.  With five 1100's around
people have slacked off on their usage of the 20.

        One other point, I noticed you plan to distribute MRS in a
babel of Lisps.  How are you doing this?  We are looking at recoding
large portions of ROSIE this summer in a LISP independent manner. If
you've already attacked this problem maybe we can avoid some of the
pains you've discovered along the way.  If you'd like, send me your
phone number(s) and we can discuss this topic in some detail.

                                        --- Henry


∂TO henry@rand-ai 12:45 12-Jul
Henry -
Thanks for your response.
Too bad about Rand-Ai -- oh well, I suppose it was too good to last.
Wrt LISPs: Andy Freeman (CSD.FREEMAN@SCORE) is/will be
doing the work.  He has yet to seriously begin, as best I can tell.
Another person to contact is Gordon Novak (CSD.NOVAK@SCORE) whose
GLISP is now running in various LISPs -- he apparently even wrote
a little translater to convert from InterLisp into other dialects.

Both would probably be pleased to discuss their work... if you like
I'll tell them of your interests.

Yes, let's get together during AAAI.  Do you know when you plan
to arrive?  (Perhaps it would be worthwhile to arrive a day early,
to meet with other early-arrivals and yak.)

(By the way, I assume you weren't interested in venturing to
suave, sophisticated, (ex)siting San Francisco after the conference.
If you happen to find anyone with such plans, please point him at me.)

See you whenever,